Bunny Tales Wooden Doll Peg Set

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The Bunny Tales Pretend Play Set from Tender Leaf is a whimsical and enchanting wooden toy set designed to spark imaginative play in young children. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this set features adorable bunny characters that come to life in the hands of little ones.

With the Bunny Tales Set, children can engage in storytelling adventures. The bunnies can become characters in tales of friendship, exploration, and discovery, fostering language development and creativity. The simplicity of the bunny figures allows for open-ended play, where children can use their imagination to create diverse narratives. This type of play encourages independent thinking and problem-solving skills.

A perfect solid bunny family with Dotty the Mum, Benny the Dad and Pip the Baby, all finished in stylish colours and ready to add to any dolls house set or open ended play set.

Made from sustainable rubber wood and coloured with soft non-toxic colours for a contemporary style.

This Bunny Tale Set will go well with any of the other Merrywood Collection items.