Amy and her Rabbit

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Introducing Amy and her beloved pet rabbit, a delightful addition to Tenderleaf Toys' collection of dolls house people. This wooden doll is perfectly scaled for dolls houses, representing a member of a charming family of four.

Dressed in a cosy knitted cardigan and a pale yellow dress, Amy exudes warmth and innocence as she tends to her furry friend. Caught in a moment of care and companionship, she embodies the joy of nurturing and the bond between child and pet.

Playing with Amy and her rabbit offers children more than just entertainment; it provides valuable learning opportunities. Through imaginative role-playing scenarios, children explore themes of responsibility, empathy, and animal care. They learn about the needs of pets and the importance of compassion, fostering social and emotional development. Additionally, interacting with Amy encourages fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination as children manipulate the doll and engage in storytelling.

Handcrafted from sustainably sourced rubber wood and featuring clothing made from 100% cotton, Amy represents Tender Leaf Toys' commitment to Eco-friendly toy production.

She can be added in the Stable, Rabbit Pet Set, or Dolls House with her other friends for even more fun and imaginative play scenarios.