Gabby's Dollhouse h Coolkat Bamse (25cm)

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Introducing the Coolkat Teddy Bear, inspired by the beloved Netflix series Gabby's Dollhouse. This adorable teddy brings the show's charismatic Coolcat character to life for your child's enjoyment. Crafted by Simba Toys, renowned for quality, this plush toy stands at 25 cm and is made with super-soft materials, making it an ideal companion for both playtime and bedtime. The Coolkat Teddy Bear is meticulously designed to be safe for infants, supporting their development from just a few months old. Its cuddly nature and comforting texture are perfect for sensory exploration, which is crucial in early childhood development. Lightweight and easy to carry, it ensures that your little one can have a constant companion on their day-to-day adventures. Additionally, it's incredibly easy to maintain, being both durable and easy to clean, which ensures it can endure the loving wear and tear of everyday play. Gift your child the joy of exploring friendship and imagination with the Coolkat Teddy Bear, fostering a sense of security and creativity with every cuddly moment spent together.
  • Materials: 100% organic cotton, natural dyes
  • Use Instructions: Machine wash cold, tumble dry low
  • Certifications: OEKO-TEX Standard 100, Fair Trade Certified